Schools in CNMI
It’s not always easy to find an educational institution in the Northern Marianas that meets all your requirements. That’s why it’s a good thing the CNMI Phone Book provides easy access to the contact information of various schools in CNMI, allowing you to get started on your search for the right school for your child or for yourself. With our always-updated directory of schools in CNMI, you’ll have a much easier time getting in touch with the institutions that capture your interest.
As a territory of the United States, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands operates a public school system that is similar to that of the rest of the country. Indeed, there are numerous public elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools in the Northern Marianas. There are also independent schools, private schools, and not-for-profit educational institutions that are not administered by the local and federal government. Many of these institutions are associated with religious communities. When it comes to higher learning, prospective students have the option of attending the Northern Marianas College, which offers a range of programs in its campuses on Saipan, Tinian, and Rota. Make sure to check out the CNMI Phone Book’s listings of schools in CNMI today to survey what your options are when it comes to providing education for your child or for yourself.